Common sense is not common anymore.

Common sense

Common sense is not common anymore.

A few weeks ago, I was having a therapy session with a couple of very loud arguments. The language was harsh, and they were making no progress towards solving the problem.

I jumped at the chance with a piece of advice. The husband immediately turned to the screen and said, "Linda, it's like common sense. How can I not handle common sense because there is nothing else in the world." Luckily, we all laughed and it broke the tension.

But what he said was also sad. Common sense is not common and it is certainly not understandable to everyone.

People are accustomed to taking advice from outside and then blaming the source if things don’t want to go that way. There are a lot of social media influences that probably don’t give the truth or wisdom. Strangers who are posting are not even telling the truth about their name, age, location or history. There is nothing to lose them with bad or inappropriate advice.

The other day I heard a man give a presentation in which he said, "If you are a Christian, ask God for advice. If you are a Muslim, ask God. If you don't believe, ask your mother or grandmother because they usually answer." There is. ”It made me laugh because there was so much truth in it. I have received so much good advice from my grandmother over the years and am grateful that, as a grandmother, I can pass it on to my grandchildren.

There are ways to develop common sense. Here are some of the things I've learned over the years:

1. Learn to make decisions without going to others for help. Often, I see people in grocery stores who can’t choose a box of laundry detergent without sending or calling someone for instructions. Read the labels, think about the machine you have and make a choice!

2. The price is wrong. I traveled to California for the graduation of a grandson with a degree in marketing. The keynote speaker was a professional golfer who spoke about how he encouraged his students not to be afraid to fail. He took every letter of the word FAIL to define his concept of “the first attempt at learning”.

3. Be careful. There's an old expression "If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck and there's an earthquake-like a duck, it's probably a duck!" Consider what motivates you - don't jump into anything.

4. Take responsibility. One of the problems I've faced is when I try to help everyone and people who are "victims" of everything. They blame, blame, blame and never see the role they played in the problem. Everyone has been hurt by life at some point and all of us have been betrayed by other people. Depression appears in various forms over the years. However, each of us has the ability to make choices and get started today.

Develop a positive network. Toxic people and activities can drag us down. We need people in our lives who can inspire and help us. Find those who have done well. For example, I never take financial advice from a poor person! Find out where you want to succeed because you know the way to help you reach your goals!

And now I want to invite you for your free instant access to the admirable list of 10 steps to make your life an adventure when I see you here;

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