Yes you may become what you think about

Yes you may become what you think about

Yes you may become what you think about

Really, become what you think you are. The human mind is the latest undiscovered continent in the world. It contains unchanging treasures beyond your wildest dreams. And it returns something you want to plant. But the power of this brain is often unused because people consider it honorable. Yet it is a free gift!

Why do so many of us often forget the unfettered power of our minds? How can you discover its hidden treasures? And why are your daily thoughts so important?

Okay, explain to me why you think so. Throughout history, great scholars and teachers, philosophers and prophets have disagreed with each other on many different issues. But it is only on one point that they are unanimous and in full agreement.

They all agree that your thoughts make you. Therefore, you need to be aware and burn the belief below in your nervous system because it is a fundamental fact of the human condition. This is the basic physics of what it literally means to be a person.

"We become what we think we are." - Earl Nightingale


And that's an idea you need to keep in mind. This is something you really need to internalize. Stop reading or doing anything on your behalf right now and realize that you will become the subject of what you think.

So, really think about it for a second as if it's not just a sentence, not just words but consider it as true about how your brain works. You are about to become the first person to do this.

If you are really passionate and anxious about a certain outcome, you will definitely achieve it. However, on the other hand, if you are not taking enough care or not sure, it will not happen so, you want to be rich or something else you want, you can be. But you must want these things and want it exclusively

Belief in becoming

And you can't wish for dozens of other inconsistent things at the same time. Did you get what I'm saying here? If you come up with something out of the ordinary, then they have to re-think their position. That is why some people realize their desire and others do not realize it.

The law of greatness, or the law of attraction, sums up and simply states that if you subconsciously think in a negative way, you will get negative results, even if what you want are positive things. But if you think positively, you can achieve positive results. Yet, all of this takes time and continuity through your thoughts, actions, feelings, and beliefs.

In a few words: To be successful, you have to believe in your own existence. It is undeniable and should not be, one day, there are doubts and the next day, they are not. If each day passes, your thoughts and feelings just swing like a roller coaster ride, uncertain about yourself; This will create a conflict in your subconscious mind. And whatever you always think about yourself!

The power of your mind

"Our suspicions are treacherous and forcing us to lose what we can often win for fear of our efforts." - William Shakespeare

Maybe, you are often living in a lot of negative things. You can even carry lots of luggage with you. Since things can go wrong, you believe in the essence of your existence that you are only planning for a difficult time. But the truth is you are going to turn into the things you fear and dread.

People always blame their situation but you must not believe in such a situation. Those who are successful in this world come up and look for their desired situation. And if they can't find them, they make them somehow.

Well, then it is very clear to you that your mind has great power. And everyone who invented it and believed it was successful. So, no matter how you put it, you become what you think you are.

Think about your goals

Now, it makes sense that if you are undoubtedly thinking of a concrete and achievable goal, you are about to reach it. The reason is that what you think about an obsession beyond measure becomes real. The person who spends all his time being obsessed with something will surely be more successful than the one who spends the average time on it.

And if you think about the wrong things you've done in the past, you're just going to continue that cycle. But on the other hand and let it be true by ringing in your ears be if I ever add an ounce of value to you, believe me, these are the most important words I am going to say:

If you really dig, you can build on the possibilities you have if you start focusing on positive things, on your abilities, on your thoughts. Build that skill. Visualize your success. Lean towards something surprisingly beautiful, amazing that you want to create and be the pot of it.

Be what you think you are

That way, you become that thing because you take those steps, just because it feels like you. Conversely, a person who has very little enthusiasm for his goal, or has no purpose, or does not know where he is going, and whose thoughts must be the thoughts of confusion, anxiety, fear, and anxiety that he thinks about.

Thus, his life turned into despair, stress, anxiety and worry. And if a person thinks about something, he is nothing. It's as simple as that! Now you might say: "Well if that's true, why don't people use their minds more often?" I believe they often come up with an answer with an excuse.

"20 years from now, you'll be more frustrated than you were" - Mark Twain

The paradox of free gift

Your mind comes as a standard tool at birth. There is no value in giving it as a free gift. And so, these things that are given to you at no cost, you often put a very low price. On the other hand, the things you pay for, like your phone, pay off.

The paradox is that the opposite is true. Think! Everything truly successful in life came to you for free. Your mind, soul, body, hopes, dreams, ambitions, intellect, family, children, friends, country and nature are invaluable assets that are free.

These are actually very cheap compared to the things that cost you money. These can be replaced at any time. A good person is completely wiped out and can make another fortune. This can be done several times. Even if a house burns down, you can rebuild it.

But you can never replace the things you got for something. And as the saying goes: "Introduction breeds" "So, your thoughts determine your existence and the kind of work you do. But in general, most people use their minds for little things instead of big important people."

Image of what you want to be

And so, if you don’t take the necessary steps, concentrate on the things you need, express what you want to be or believe in it, nothing will happen. And if you don't see how real it can be, it won't work if you don't want to make your own version.

And yes, people told you that it is not possible for you, that the things you did in the past never let you succeed. They even said that you are not smart enough. But if you let go of that mind ree, that's what's going to happen.

However, if you can think about it, look at that philosophy of success, allow yourself to believe, and take the steps you need to take action against the fight, and if you go out and do these things, you won’t regret it. But if you don't, you will regret it.

So, decide now. Think about what you want to achieve. Your goal is to plant your mind. This is the most important decision you have ever made in your life since it became the subject you are thinking about. Get out now, and create the person you want to be, so you can have your own life.

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