Best feature: Failure is a key factor in your success. Failure is a key factor in your success . Everyone wants to succeed in life but no one wants to fail, but why? Why do people fear failure? Nowadays, people think that they…
Reflection and learn in the year 2020. Reflection and learn in the year 2020. I’m sure many of us started this year into a new decade full of toasting, excitement and excitement. It was going to be ‘our time’, full of promise a…
Philosophy: It is nothing. Philosophy: It is nothing. You can take it either way, but for now, it should be understood as a simpler matter than most filled professors wanted their final exams. Or not. Five philosophical "…
Will you show a little more kindness in your life today? Don’t wait for someone else to start the discipline of kindness. Kindness means humility, tenderness, generosity and consideration. Are you considering your needs, feelin…
Yes you may become what you think about Really, become what you think you are. The human mind is the latest undiscovered continent in the world. It contains unchanging treasures beyond your wildest dreams. And it returns someth…
How do you know if a leader is lying? Leadership rules/guidelines are the same, regardless of their position and they serve and represent that country (or any entity of the government), not for charitable charities, civic group…
The only way to feel good "Even if I am imprisoned and the whole world is hated, my soul can still be like a king." - Daisaku Ikeda It seems so simple, I know. It’s so easy that we want to make it harder, more mysteri…
Common sense is not common anymore. A few weeks ago, I was having a therapy session with a couple of very loud arguments. The language was harsh, and they were making no progress towards solving the problem. I jumped at the cha…
True vs conspiracy Over the past few weeks, I've heard a lot about "conspiracy theories" and "conspirators" so I wonder if I can get a better idea of what these terms mean. The Merriam-Webster Diction…
We all love to win, however, who loves to train? (Down time, up time, between times) We all love that the action goes well and we are doing something really productive. What happens when things aren’t so active and we have to tra…
What is your success? Success. A word is familiar to all of us but above all elusive. Not everyone has the same definition of success and not all of us live the true life or feel the success we want. It plays a big role when th…
আপনার কাছে সাফল্য কী? সাফল্য। আমাদের কাছে সবার কাছে পরিচিত একটি শব্দ তবে সর্বোপরি অধরা। সবার সাফল্যের একই সংজ্ঞা থাকে না এবং আমরা সকলেই সত্যিকার অর্থে জীবন যাপন করি না বা আমরা চাই সাফল্য অনুভব করি। ব্যবসায় এবং আর্থিক বিষয়গুলি…
Why time management will save your work All in all, time is money and employers expect that they will spend time giving you time that you are becoming productive. The inability to manage time effectively will not only cost you …
সঠিক ভাবে সময় পরিচালনা করুন আপনার কাজে সাহায্য করবে। সব মিলিয়ে সময় হ'ল অর্থ এবং নিয়োগকর্তারা আশা করেন যে তারা আপনাকে সময় দেওয়ার সময় ব্যয় করবে যা আপনি উত্পাদনশীল হয়ে উঠছেন। কার্যকরভাবে সময় পরিচালনা করতে অক্ষমতা কেবল…
আপনার ক্যারিয়ারের মূল্যায়ন করার জন্য কেন এটি সেরা সময় ? জীবন একটি ছন্দ এবং একটি নিদর্শন সেট করে। এটি প্রায়শই স্ট্যাসিস হিসাবে পরিচিত। পৃথিবী যতই বিবর্তিত হতে থাকে, আপনি অনুভব করতে পারেন যে আপনার জীবন এটির সাথে খাপ খাইচ্ছে, ব…
Discover why this is the best time to Re-evaluate your career Life sets a rhythm and a pattern. This is often referred to as stasis. As the world continues to evolve, you may feel that your life is adapting to it, or that your c…